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Kingston and Amazon.com have teamed up to offer this item in Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging, a recyclable, easy-to-open alternative to traditional packaging. A Frustration-Free Package comes without excess packaging materials such as wire ties, hard plastic "clamshell" casings, and plastic bindings. It’s designed to be opened without the use of a box cutter or knife and will protect your product just as well as traditional packaging. This item ships in its own box, without the need for an additional shipping box, and Amazon.com is continuing to work with manufacturers to make the packaging even more streamlined.
Easily move photos, music and data between digital devices.
This all-in-one media kit combines a single card with dual adapters and a USB card reader to give mobile users the compatible storage they need for all SD and USB-compatible devices, including mobile phones, digital cameras, notebooks, media players and more.
The kit includes three adapters with the microSD or microSDHC card as the centerpiece, giving users the most versatile mobile gear. The card seamlessly converts to a Secure Digital (SD), miniSD or USB format that can be used across devices to easily move photos, music, videos or data to your camera, mobile phone or computer.
Ultra-portable and multifunctional
— Use the microSD or microSDHC card alone for plenty of removable storage for music, games, ring tones, photos, movies and other applications on mobile phones.
— Slip the microSD or microSDHC card into the miniSD adapter and transform it into a miniSD storage card to expand storage on personal media players, smartphones or MP3 players.
— Capture photos from your digital camera by making the microSD or microSDHC a full-size SD card with the adapter and then view images with SD-enabled readers or USB drives, digital photo frames or on your TV’s SD slot.
— Quickly and easily save files on a notebook computer with a full-size SD slot when the SD adapter is used with the microSD or microSDHC card.
The kits are available with a stylish USB microSD card reader and either a 2GB microSD or 4GB, 8GB or 16GB microSDHC card. The included keychain lets you hang the reader from your phone so you'll always have it handy when you're on the go. The kits are backed by a two-year warranty on the reader, a lifetime warranty on the microSD or microSDHC card, and legendary Kingston® reliability, service and support.
Store your entire mobile life — photos, songs, text messages, video clips and personal information on your microSD or microSDHC card, then work with it across device platforms seamlessly with the versatile Kingston Multi-Kit/Mobility Kit at your fingertips.
Complete — single card solution for multiple devices
Multifunctional — when microSD card is combined with the included adapter, can be used as a full-size SD card with write protection switch, a miniSD card or a USB reader to transfer data
Compliant — Card: with SD Card Association specification standards. USB Reader: supports microSD/microSDHC
Guaranteed — two-year warranty on reader, lifetime warranty on card
Capacity* — 2GB, 4GB***, 8GB***, 16GB***
microSD Card Dimensions —0.43" x 0.59" x 0.039" (11mm x 15mm x 1mm)
USB Reader Dimensions — .984" x 0.478" x 0.104" (24.99mm x 12.14mm x 2.64mm)
Operating Temperature — -13° F to 185° F (-25° C to 85° C)
Storage Temperature — -40° F to 185° F (-40° C to 85° C)
USB Reader System Requirements:
System with USB support
Windows Vista (ReadyBoost not supported)
Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP (SP1, SP2)
Mac OS (10.3.x and above)
Linux (2.6 and above)See how much you can store on Kingston Memory Cards for Mobile Devices
Capacity* Photos ** Music*** AudioBook+ Video++ E-Mail+++
(1.3MP) (3MP) (5MP) MP3 & WMA
Songs Books (Mins) Files
2GB* 3144 1808 1190 380 204 136 43532
4GB* 6288 3616 2380 760 408 272 87064
8GB* 12576 7232 4760 1520 816 544 174128
16GB* 25,152 14,464 9,520 3,040 1,632 1,088 348,256
Source: Based upon Kingston estimates, actual results may vary.
(MP=Megapixels: MB=Megabytes, GB = Gigabytes)
1 Megabyte (MB) = 1,000,000 bytes; 1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1,000,000,000 bytes
* Some of the listed capacity is used for formatting and other functions and is not available for data storage.
** Approximate number of standard JPEG pictures. JPEG file sizes vary based upon camera model and default settings, as well as user-selected resolution and compression mode settings. Some host devices may not support all of the Flash storage capacities listed.
*** SDHC memory cards are not compatible with all standard SD-enabled devices. Consult device user guide to ensure compatibility. Kingston's microSDHC memory cards are compliant with SD Specification Version 2.00 and use Class 2 & 4 speed ratings that guarantee a minimum data transfer rate of 2MB/sec. & 4MB/sec.
+ Approximate number of audiobooks. Assumes 2 hours of MP3 Format 2 content or 3.7MB/hr. file size. Results may vary based upon format quality of download.
++ Approximate minutes of video clips. Assumes MPEG1 format, 1.5Mbps file size. Results may vary based upon video compression rate.
+++ Approximate number of file attachments. Assumes 35K file size attachment per email. Results may vary based upon file size.
Chart subject to change without notice.
Compliant - with the SD Card Association specification version 2.00
Secure - built-in write-protect switch prevents accidental data loss
Compatible - with SDHC host devices;not compatible with standard SD-enableddevices/readers
File Format - FAT 32
Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging

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